Energy Sanity in an Insane World

Energy resources such as coal, oil and gas have powered human evolution and development since the industrial revolution in the UK. Through a combination of ignorance, ideology and the three fundamental flaws in the structure of the political economy, we have, over recent decades, denied ourselves access to these invaluable resources.

Similarly, nuclear technology has been demonised. Furthermore, we haven’t exploited other ideas to generate energy because they weren’t deemed sufficiently “profitable” to those who benefit from existing technologies. For example, the work of Nikola Tesla was terminated and forgotten because his ideas for harvesting “free energy” from the ionosphere threatened bankers and their investments.

We are now in a state of real dysfunction when it comes to energy and face the prospect of power blackouts and worse. The combination of sanctions on Russia and the “green agenda” have created this situation. Both are self-inflicted denial of access to an essential foundation of the modern world, energy.

Kathryn Porter is an energy and financial consultant who, last year, wrote a paper for the Global Warming Policy Foundation, Prospects for Nuclear Power in the UK. In this video Kathryn states energy realities and unpacks complex issues. She also reveals or confirms that nuclear power generation is arguably safer than so called “renewables” for which decommissioning costs and environmental impacts are never discussed in the mainstream.

Kathryn mentions “decarbonisation” throughout. Whether the man-made global warming claim withstands scrutiny, is irrelevant. It is the major constraint under which the energy industry operates. The fact that it is leading us to collective suicide doesn’t seem to enter people’s heads.

We need sane thinking to navigate this insane world.