A Real Holocaust

I’ve often talked about the importance of 20th century history and its relevance to understanding where we are today. However, the abusive and destructive structure and ideology, under which we live today, has evolved over two and a half thousand years or more.

Furthermore, there are many in other countries who have suffered this abuse much more acutely than we in England.

The Irish have been the target of genocide for centuries. Chris Fogarty explains how, between 1845 and 1850, 67 of the 126 British army regiments were sent to Ireland to enforce the removal of crops, cattle and food from the poor Irish majority leading to death, by starvation, of some two million men, women and children.

His book exposes this verifiable reality, in contrast to the “potato famine” hoax perpetuated by the academic establishment in Ireland and across the English speaking world. Chris presents his and his wife, Mary’s, findings and answers questions in this online event hosted by Matt Ehret brought to my attention by John.

Irish potato famine hoax (video 1 hour 39 minutes 59 seconds)
On Sunday September 25, 2022, The Rising Tide Foundation weekly lecture was delivered by historian Christopher Fogarty, author of “The Perfect Holocaust, Ireland 1845-1850” on the topic of ‘An Officially Concealed Genocide: British Malthusianism and the True Story of the ‘Irish Potato Famine’”.

In the Q & A there is discussion of the need for a republic and admiration expressed for the founding fathers’ vision for America. However, when one peels back the layers of deceit and distraction, there is a sinister background involving freemasonry and occult knowledge that underpins the reality that emerged from the founding of America.

The “founding fathers” were motivated by self interest and belief and were fallible like the rest of us.

We should know by now that representative democracy always deteriorates into kakistrocracy – rule by the worst among us. Contemporary US politics are demonstrably corrupt, criminal and work against the interests of all, even those that play the game near the top of the pyramid of power.

We can do better.