The Hidden History of Medicine

One great benefit arising from my involvement in Critical Thinking and other collaborative learning groups is that people within the co-creative research and analysis community send me information that I wouldn’t come across otherwise. I recently received this “essay” from the author who wishes to remain anonymous for personal reasons. The quality of what they … Read more

Eugenics Foundations and Trajectory

Matthew Ehret’s distillation of the climate and pandemic narratives encapsulates or summarises much of our co-created narrative in video form, revealing the trajectory towards disaster. MATTHEW EHRET AND REINER FUELLMICH – FAKE CLIMATE CHANGE AGENDA BASED ON COMPUTER SIMULATIONSMatthew Ehret interviewed by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and lawyer Viviane Fischer – The fake climate change agenda … Read more

BMJ: 2020 Was Less Deadly Than Every Year Before 2009

Lockdown Sceptics has just published this article highlighting a peer reviewed paper in the British Medical Journal. BMJ: 2020 Was Less Deadly Than Every Year Before 2009. Furthermore, once you take into account the fact that the population is getting older and standardise the figures by age, 2020 was less deadly than 2008 and every … Read more

Morality, Money and The Great Reset

I was asked by Moeen Yaseen to present on the Great Reset at Global Vision 2000’s online event on 6th December 2020. The title of the event was: THE PLANDEMIC,  THE GLOBAL RESET, THE DAWN OF THE DAJALLIC NEW WORLD ORDER AND PREPARATION FOR SPIRITUAL WARFARE. I’ve spliced some images into my presentation and the links referred to … Read more

Mask Up, Accept Vaccines That Maim and Kill

Cover faces on England transport or ‘face fines’ – Coronavirus (Covid-19) Government Briefing 🔴 BBCDon’t bother watching Grant Shapps but read the comments, eg. “Good to see everyone on the same page in the comments. We all see the plan” Many accepted lockdown, social distancing and self-isolation in the face of what is portrayed as … Read more

Fishing in a Barrel of Fear

OK. these are mixed metaphors but these are crazy times with conflicting and contradictory narratives being fed to us everywhere. all the time.

Fear has become a constant. I don’t watch broadcast TV and haven’t, until recently, listened to radio for a long time. Over the weekend, I took the radio out of the cupboard and pre-tuned it to Radio 4, LBC, Radio 3, Jazz FM and Classic FM. In the time that I listened to the five channels, coronavirus fear porn and lockdown propaganda were repeated consistently on all five. I knew that people were being subjected to this Orwellian nonsense non-stop but experiencing it is quite a shock when one’s dismissed/ignored it from the outset.

So, there’s the barrel of fear; manipulating the terrified majority is like “shooting fish in a barrel”… metaphor number one.

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Attacking fire engines while adding fuel to the fire

The fabricated coronavirus pandemic is multi-layered with lies, facts, manipulated statistics and a fundamental misunderstanding of viruses and their transmission. If you are terrified of “catching” COVID-19, listen to this conversation involving two people with extensive experience of viruses, bio-warfare and the military-industrial-security complex.

Coronavirus Roundtable With Dr. Buttar & Dr. Mikovits – How Your System Is Being Used Against You

One of the most valuable conversations from a medical/academic perspective and challenges all those complicit in this fake pandemic to speak out or accept that they are “following orders” to commit genocide on an unprecedented scale

A useful analogy to understand what’s going on is referred to in this conversation. If you think of what’s killing people as the “fire” or even “fires” (there is likely more than one pathogen involved), our immune system is what protects us and is, in effect, the “fire engine” that puts out fires. Our (and “expert”) perceptions of viruses are leading us to believe that the fire engines, ie. our immune systems are the enemy and that is what many vaccines attack while adding more pathogens to the mix. The popular, widely accepted premise of how viruses spread, both within the medical field and among the general public, is what’s killing people, not the illusory pandemic.

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Cold-Blooded Mass Murder

How else does one describe a plan to cull up to 7 billion of the human herd? To the Structural Elite, it is the essential culmination of plans laid a century ago or more but to the majority of people, if they understand what is currently unfolding, it is premeditated genocide on an unprecedented scale.

We warned of the impending human cull on 18th October 2019, on the day that the false flag “coronavirus crisis” was rehearsed by John Hopkins University, the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in Event 201 but preparations and planning go back as far as “Spanish Flu” a century ago when the misdirection of public and expert opinion on viruses and vaccination began. More recently, we’ve been subjected to a succession of false flag pandemics which failed to materialise but became embedded in the human psyche, along with the inverted conviction that vaccines are beneficial.

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Are we adults or children who are lied to?

As the manufactured hysteria and draconian responses to coronavirus escalate, a cool headed reality check is long overdue. Our governments are lying and treating us like children because, in their view, we are incapable of critical thinking and are to be led into the abyss, although few of them understand the consequences of what they are doing, because they too are manipulated from above.

Jon Rappoport: The Bloodless Coup, the Fake Epidemic

Are we children to be controlled by lying “parents”, ie. those in authority? Or are we going to listen to different voices and decide for ourselves, like grown adults?
Jon Rappoport has been researching fake pandemics for 30 years and lays out some realities.

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