Culture Shapes Perceptions and Reality

Yesterday I was asked to join a conversation about the role of culture in supporting oppression and genocide. Role of Culture in Supporting Oppression & Genocide (video 52 minutes 37 seconds) During the discussion, I referred to The Controversy of Zion by Douglas Reed and a Critical Thinking paper published in November 2019, Gulag Academia. … Read more

The Climight Zone

Carlos posted this first article on Telegram with the question: “Should Al Gore get a mental evaluation?” Al Gore Schools Davos Attendees: Global Warming Is “Equivalent Of 600,000 Hiroshima Bombs Daily”As a leading Technocrat spokesman for Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy, Al Gore is truly the inmate who desperately wants to take charge of the asylum. … Read more

Serial Killing

I often wonder what it will take to wake those still oblivious to the agenda of destruction that accelerated with the covid trojan. Perhaps it is the killing of the most vulnerable that will jerk people into consciousness. Naomi Wolf interviewed Edward Dowd in March this year to discuss analysis of all cause mortality. During … Read more

Everything Is Connected

Yesterday’s article finished with the statement in today’s title. How do we know everything is connected? Because our and many people’s research from multiple perspectives reveal this to be the case. I provided links to some of the accumulated research within the introduction to Why I Am Here. David Icke has been researching and explaining … Read more

Supply Chains

In 2020, we referred to WW3 between the structure and humans. WW3 began in September 2001 with the false flag attacks on the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington. The war on[f] terror was Phase 1. Phase 2 is man made climate change and Phase 3 is induced mass migration. … Read more

The Hidden History of Medicine

One great benefit arising from my involvement in Critical Thinking and other collaborative learning groups is that people within the co-creative research and analysis community send me information that I wouldn’t come across otherwise. I recently received this “essay” from the author who wishes to remain anonymous for personal reasons. The quality of what they … Read more

“Vengeance Is Mine”

As the pandemic narrative disintegrates, there is much talk about punishment for the guilty. This video from Alexis Flavian Bugnolo explains how those at the top of the pyramid of power seek to take control of the narrative while minimising the punishment of those sacrificed to maintain the centralised power structure. HOW SKULL & BONES … Read more

QE For Humans

Yesterday’s article on banking prompted a reply from Chris: Dear Clive, I read your latest post on, and while I’m convinced that there has been massive fraud in the financial industry for many years, your argument against Lloyd’s Bank isn’t correct. You wrote:“My understanding of the process is as follows: In granting the facility, … Read more

Perfecting Kill Shots

The human cull has been an obvious objective from the start of the pseudopandemic. This video of analysis of VAERS data shows how adverse reactions aren’t unfortunate “side-effects” of the experimental COVID injections but deliberate targeted events to refine deployment of the kill shots. Patterns in the Deployment of Toxic Covid Vaccine Batches (video 27 … Read more

Is LinkedIn a Dodo?

dodo noun do·​do | \ ˈdō-(ˌ)dō  \plural dodoes or dodos Definition of dodo 1a: an extinct heavy flightless bird (Raphus cucullatus synonym Didus ineptus of the family Raphidae) of the island of Mauritius that was larger than a turkey and was related to the pigeonb: an extinct flightless bird (Raphus solitarius) of the island of Réunion similar to and closely related to the dodo2a: one hopelessly behind the timesb: a … Read more