A Real Holocaust

I’ve often talked about the importance of 20th century history and its relevance to understanding where we are today. However, the abusive and destructive structure and ideology, under which we live today, has evolved over two and a half thousand years or more. Furthermore, there are many in other countries who have suffered this abuse … Read more

Culture Shapes Perceptions and Reality

Yesterday I was asked to join a conversation about the role of culture in supporting oppression and genocide. Role of Culture in Supporting Oppression & Genocide (video 52 minutes 37 seconds) During the discussion, I referred to The Controversy of Zion by Douglas Reed and a Critical Thinking paper published in November 2019, Gulag Academia. … Read more

The End Of An Era

The work we’ve been doing on money and how we organise ourselves is the context presented when I was asked to comment on Gaza by Press TV. Press TV Spotlight on Gaza 2023.12.08 (video 10 minutes 15 seconds) Press TV – Spotlight on Gaza 15 December 2023 (video 24 minutes 32 seconds)

“Is COVID A Conspiracy?”

Some knew, even as the psychological operation (codename COVID-19) began to unfold, that Covid is a long planned conspiracy. Indeed, Critical Thinking’s final analysis published in October 2019 anticipated the human cull mentioning mass vaccination as the possible means. Mainstream opinion doggedly refused to budge through 2020 and 2021 although cracks in the fabricated narrative … Read more

Serial Killing

I often wonder what it will take to wake those still oblivious to the agenda of destruction that accelerated with the covid trojan. Perhaps it is the killing of the most vulnerable that will jerk people into consciousness. Naomi Wolf interviewed Edward Dowd in March this year to discuss analysis of all cause mortality. During … Read more

“Vengeance Is Mine”

As the pandemic narrative disintegrates, there is much talk about punishment for the guilty. This video from Alexis Flavian Bugnolo explains how those at the top of the pyramid of power seek to take control of the narrative while minimising the punishment of those sacrificed to maintain the centralised power structure. HOW SKULL & BONES … Read more

Truth Bombs

Evidence based “truth bombs” calling into question “authorised” narratives and claims are exploding into public consciousness. People are awakening to the lies. Kevin Corbett explains, from a well-informed perspective, the reality of how the PseudoPandemic has been inculcated into popular understanding. Among the techniques that are used to fabricate the false narrative of the pandemic … Read more

We Can Stop This…

What is “this”? Genocide. MUST WATCH!!! Funeral Director John O’Looney Blows the Whistle on Covid (video 38 minutes 53 seconds) and on Odysee: https://odysee.com/@Outersite.org:7/MUSTWATCHFuneralDirectorJohnOLooneyBlowstheWhistleonCovid:7 Purportedly in response to complaints about John’s online activity, a letter from The National Society of Allied and Independent Funeral Directors (SAIF), dated 6 September 2021, suspended him from the Society, … Read more

Tax Strike

Tomorrow we’re back in Highbury Corner Magistrates Court for withholding two thirds of Council Tax for the years 2020/21 and 2021/22; both cases are being heard tomorrow. For the story so far, see here. The following has been sent in respect of the case concerning 2021/22: Response to Notice Issued on 22 June 2021 The … Read more