Think Context

Critical Thinking’s research and analysis revealed the limitations of abstraction which is how most people derive their understanding of the world – abstraction is how we’ve been trained to manage complexity, ie. if we are considering a complex issue or event, we’re wont to isolate the elements we can grasp or appreciate to focus on these to derive our opinions or views; often what we choose to abstract to justify our world view is determined by our ideological perspectives. Thus we ignore “inconvenient” evidence or information as irrelevant or wrong because it doesn’t “fit” with our world view. Furthermore, we tend to dismiss information from sources outside our cultural comfort zone, ie. from those with whom we feel we have little in common.

In the last post, I referred to how we’ve been trained out of our human essence to become aspiring consumers – in other words, we’ve been isolated from our fundamental context as individuals interacting with other individuals to form human bonds of common interest mandated by universal consciousness – we have lost the middle ground; as Laurie Anderson explains:

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Who Owns Our Soul?

Higher Truth, posted on 1st November 2019, explains how the Satanic (selfish) political economy wants our souls. The process of seduction began with a vengeance in the early 20th century (like so many strands to build the new world order). Adam Curtis’s six part series, Century of the Self, explains how we have been transformed from humans with needs into “consumers” with desires for shiny toys and trappings to supplement our waning spirituality.

As family, community and social cohesion was fragmented, we became vulnerable to the advertising witches and warlocks conjuring fantasy lifestyles into existence. In the 1950s, the sublimation of our human essence accelerated with the introduction of television and consumer advertising to create dissatisfaction with “now” and “what is”; we embraced a seductive future of what could be within the advertising fantasy that used sophisticated psychological and occult techniques to isolate us from spirit, ie. universal consciousness. Not that many people had sufficient understanding to realise what was happening.

The views and wisdom of older generations were dismissed as old fashioned and of no value in the new technocratic age; thus we fell under the spell of the advertising and marketing witches and warlocks. Today, virtually all (including social) media is driven by marketing and advertising. The “products” they are promoting are politics, economics, wars, hoaxes, scams and hedonism, ie. the works of Satan or selfishness.

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Evolving New World Order

This post is prompted, in part, by an article on Fascism that Critical Thinker Pennie sent me last Friday asking what I thought. To which I replied (edited to clarify)…

I’m not in the right “place” to give this detailed attention but early 20th century politics were characterised by the Hegelian dialectic: create a problem (Socialism, spread from the Bolshevik revolution)… break down national culture with creeping depravity and loss of moral “sense” – Weimar Republic; foster the reaction (Fascism) to reclaim the vital foundations for a coherent society; to resolve these opposing forces, the solution (war) ensues which was planned all along; the story is a lot more involved and multi-layered but clearly that was the plan – a second bite at destroying national culture and generations of European youth, sapping the vitality of the Polis; thus making them malleable. Enter the Common Market to introduce “social capitalism” (temporarily), followed by neo-liberalism and the European Union building block for one world government.

What we’re witnessing now is analogous to the situation in the pre-Bolshevik period in Russia where successive “revolutionary” governments became more radical until the Provisional government ushered in Lenin and his Ashkenazi cult to implement the grand plan.

Brexit and all the other divisions around the world are heralding the next phase in the war on us all: nascent civil war and martial law. Unless we understand the game, we’ll dance their tune to the abattoir.

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Cull in California

How We Live explains the agenda to cull the human herd and Beyond Critical Thinking refers to the targeted fires in California.

Deborah Tavares reports and explains; she is there and witnessed the unfolding of this cull both in 2017 and 2019. Currently, we’re witnessing “clearances”, preparing for the “world wilderness”; the full scale cull is yet to get underway.

FIRES – BEHIND THE SMOKE: The Death Agendas (59 minute video)

“Localising” the cull ensures that few pay attention to the fires beyond what’s reported in the news as “climate change”; most are oblivious to the reality of the cull – their perceptions don’t match reality.

The perception problem: how do you define ‘reality’? by Martin Geddes
To insist on a “unilateral consensus” risks dehumanising and pathologising the dissenting “other”, since it (wrongly) believes we have nothing to learn from others. Mistakes then lead to a “shriek of the conscience” from over-estimating our ability to discern world affairs.

Our perceptions have much to do with our fears and confusion. Gurdjieff uses the analogy of the Horse and Carriage.

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Who rules really

A discussion of where real power lies, drawing on the work of Critical Thinking and its final analysis, How We Live – Who rules, how and why? 20th Hour – Who Rules Really – Mohsin Abbas and Clive Menzies – 24 11 2019