The Dinosaur Hoax

To defeat religion’s God, Scientism needed there to be evidence of evolution, more than just words, and suddenly, in the late 1700’s, dinosaur fossils miraculously began appearing. Why would I be writing about this? Why is it important in the context of the madness, death and destruction all around us today? Sophie sent this series … Read more

Killing Is Not The Answer

I’ve been asked to participate in discussion of the atrocities in Gaza within the last few days. When participating is such discussions, I try to contextualise events and issues, to show that while at one level armed resistance is justified and understandable, conflict and killing will not save the Palestinians’ nor any others from abuse, … Read more

AI: the Challenge

Some years ago, before AI was commonplace as a term, I speculated: The co-creative learning methodology led us understand who rules, how and why? If “agnostic” AI were given free reign to explore who rules, how and why?, would it not arrive at the same conclusions? Michael Finesilver’s essay navigates this and associated questions comprehensively: … Read more