End(ish) Game in Syria?

Amid the social media frenzy that emerged in recent days, there is some cool headed analysis of what is happening in Syria. From the outset of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine, Jacques Baud, a retired colonel in the Swiss intelligence service, provided cogent analysis on that conflict which has been borne out by subsequent … Read more

Warriors For Truth

Seeking truth and clarity of where we are, how we got here and how we can align our lives with our beliefs reveals many “versions” of truth. Each perspective may seem true in isolation or within a limited context but may be revealed as false by wider observation or comparison. Only when we delve down … Read more

Curing A Sick Society

The cure became visible and powerful in 2022 One only has to look around to realise that we live in a sick society. The majority are so beset with worries and distractions that they don’t notice the tragedy of their condition. However, there is a fast growing minority that not only recognises the conditions under … Read more

Co-Creative Dynamics

In co-creative research, analysis and development there is a power that is difficult to quantify or explain but many will have experienced this power when working collaboratively. Since ceasing to work on the Critical Thinking project, a few of us have been collaborating in other groups and between them, they’ve accelerated our comprehension and appreciation … Read more

Money Talks

Critical Thinking’s research and analysis pointed to three fundamental flaws that underpin the competitive, destructive, global political economy: institutional hierarchy theft of the commons usury (interest on money). Subsequent work has delved much deeper into money to reveal that usury is the “tip of the iceberg” when it comes to money. Our whole conception of … Read more


In the last article, I referred to our get-together on Monday to send healing energy to Eddie. Photographs of the work are now up on the Invisible Universe website that was very much inspired by Eddie. Family Magic Also on the Invisible Universe website is the report on our work since the beginning of May … Read more

Money for Nothing

Since making our offer to Lloyds Bank at the beginning of July 2021, we continue to receive texts, letters and emails requesting “repayments”. I also received a letter dated 8th July 2021 from Damian Roberts, Group Executive Complaints, saying “I’ve looked into this for you… we believe we’ve acted appropriately“. There is nothing in his … Read more

In Advance of an Invisible Universe

Exploration of human consciousness is the trimtab that allows us to travel in the Invisible Universe that is the space between perception and reality. Our work on the structure that created the foundations of the human farm that continues to worsen our condition at an exponential rate, has led us into exploration of “perceptions” because … Read more