In Service of the Divine

The time to choose our path is at hand.

Embodying the Warrior Archetype in Service of the Divine by Bernhard Guenther

Therefore, all lies need to be revealed, within yourself and in the world. No one is excluded from this process. No steps can be skipped. The process of the evolution of consciousness entails making the darkness conscious, as this expansion encompasses a widening on all levels as we become aware of ALL. There is no ascending spiritually without descending into matter (the body karma) first. It’s an internal and external process, as they are one and the same. Don’t just wait for a “Great Awakening” and “mass arrests” without being willing to face your own “stuff” as well. Shadow work is the name of the game during these end times; thus the Divine will be testing our sincerity, humility, and integrity as we face ourselves during these “end times”…and we ain’t seen nothing yet.

Pete recently updated his previous work on Forcers of the End:

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Structures and Money in Transition

Decentralisation – moving from exchange value to use value Abstract: The current political economy fosters competition and centralised structures, resulting inunequal distribution of wealth and institutions that fail to deliver on their promises. However,structural changes driven by disruptive technologies are gathering momentum. In order to harnessthese developments for the benefit of everyone, we need to … Read more

Attacking fire engines while adding fuel to the fire

The fabricated coronavirus pandemic is multi-layered with lies, facts, manipulated statistics and a fundamental misunderstanding of viruses and their transmission. If you are terrified of “catching” COVID-19, listen to this conversation involving two people with extensive experience of viruses, bio-warfare and the military-industrial-security complex.

Coronavirus Roundtable With Dr. Buttar & Dr. Mikovits – How Your System Is Being Used Against You

One of the most valuable conversations from a medical/academic perspective and challenges all those complicit in this fake pandemic to speak out or accept that they are “following orders” to commit genocide on an unprecedented scale

A useful analogy to understand what’s going on is referred to in this conversation. If you think of what’s killing people as the “fire” or even “fires” (there is likely more than one pathogen involved), our immune system is what protects us and is, in effect, the “fire engine” that puts out fires. Our (and “expert”) perceptions of viruses are leading us to believe that the fire engines, ie. our immune systems are the enemy and that is what many vaccines attack while adding more pathogens to the mix. The popular, widely accepted premise of how viruses spread, both within the medical field and among the general public, is what’s killing people, not the illusory pandemic.

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Cold-Blooded Mass Murder

How else does one describe a plan to cull up to 7 billion of the human herd? To the Structural Elite, it is the essential culmination of plans laid a century ago or more but to the majority of people, if they understand what is currently unfolding, it is premeditated genocide on an unprecedented scale.

We warned of the impending human cull on 18th October 2019, on the day that the false flag “coronavirus crisis” was rehearsed by John Hopkins University, the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in Event 201 but preparations and planning go back as far as “Spanish Flu” a century ago when the misdirection of public and expert opinion on viruses and vaccination began. More recently, we’ve been subjected to a succession of false flag pandemics which failed to materialise but became embedded in the human psyche, along with the inverted conviction that vaccines are beneficial.

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Co-creating a Shared Understanding of CoronaVirus

The coronavirus or COVID-19 pandemic is characterised by competing theories premised on layers of disinformation and some truth. Individual experts and analysts are attempting to interpret information and put forward their own hypotheses with varying degrees of certainty. Ego plays a large part and some prognostications are hubristic in the extreme. Of course, many observers too latch on to their own particular preference, particularly as it supports their own world view or narrative.

Today, through the distributed, co-creative learning network that has grown over the last 8 years or so, a new slant on the fake pandemic emerged that is worthy of exploration but with everyone working in compartmentalised silos and motivated under their own set of incentives and penalties, this angle is unlikely to be explored quickly enough to be useful, unless there is a fundamental change in the way we do science (and every other form of academic research and analysis).

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Useful Idiots and Elevated Cattle learn they too are disposable

While my last post bemoaned the lack of visible dissent in the UK, the picture is more encouraging elsewhere. Open anti-lockdown protests are growing and reported in Vancouver, Ohio, Berlin and elsewhere.

More importantly, there are signs that the privileged, pampered celebrities and elevated cattle are beginning to realise that the lifestyle they’ve enjoyed hitherto hasn’t insulated them from what the rest of us endure under the quarantines and curfews. The strains and stresses within the criminal class who facilitated the march towards the new world order are coming to the surface.

Momentum is building and we can all do our bit to spread the word as Max Igan suggests.

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Britain has Surrendered its Liberty and Children’s Future

The British people have surrendered their liberty and their children’s future without so much as a shot being fired. Britain is not alone. The docility of the human cattle is global.

On a bike ride in the last few days, I encountered a couple who seemed to have spotted me as an “outlier” and asked, “what do you think of coronavirus?”. My response, “it’s bollocks”, was received with an indication of palpable relief and our subsequent conversation was reassuring and interesting. However, before we get too excited, this sort of fortuitous meeting of like-minded people seems to be a rarity.

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COVID-19 Regulations – Unlawful, Unnecessary and Implemented in Bad Faith


The UK government and most other governments throughout the world have assumed extraordinary power to arbitrarily fine, arrest and imprison those it deems guilty of contravening the COVID-19 Regulations. These powers came into force on Monday 23rd March 2020, in spite of the UK Government, under advice from panels of health experts, downgrading the threat of COVID-19 on 19th March 2020. COVID-19 was no longer classified by the UK government as a High Consequence Infectious Disease.

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Phases of Deception

The context or background to what is unfolding today, under the pretext of a fabricated pandemic, is provided in How We Live which is introduced in a two part video.

In that paper, reference is made to false flag attacks to initiate and sustain the so called “war on terror” to coral the human cattle into docile submission to draconian security and surveillance while unleashing perpetual war. This was Phase One of Deception and provided the impetus and confidence to roll out the following phases to create the global police state. Today, the illusion of freedom is evaporating before our eyes.

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Are we looking at the wrong birdie?

No, this is NOT an April fool joke!

While we’re all focusing on “contagion” and the risk of catching an “airborne” and “highly contagious” disease (something I learnt was “either/or” when I was young, never both together), are people getting sick from something else entirely. After all, we’re electric beings in an electric universe.

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