Everything Is Connected

Yesterday’s article finished with the statement in today’s title. How do we know everything is connected? Because our and many people’s research from multiple perspectives reveal this to be the case. I provided links to some of the accumulated research within the introduction to Why I Am Here. David Icke has been researching and explaining … Read more

Who Wants to Know?

The art of critical thinking can be expressed in the form of principles but it comes down to being innately curious about the world, the universe and our place within it. In many, this curiosity is suppressed through training, distraction and inertia. Two curious people, who’ve been on their own journeys of discovery, discuss where … Read more

The Ideology of Destruction

This short article is to emphasise four important books that are highly relevant to what is currently unfolding. On a topical note, censorship is on the rise and truth is being suppressed in both subtle and obvious ways. On COVID, viruses and vaccines, I’ve often recommended as essential reading, Virus Mania and have uploaded the … Read more

More Chaos is Coming

If COVID-19 was the beginning of the current round of planned chaos (arguably, everything stems from 11th September 2001, with the trigger of the “New Pearl Harbour” anticipated by the Project for the New American Century – PNAC), the 2020 US Presidential election will likely accelerate the chaos in order to complete the plans for … Read more

The “Great Economic Reset”

Friday’s post asked: Who’s New World Order? and showed how the plans for a global government are coming to fruition under the cover of COVID-19. Catherine Austin Fitts lays out the economic context. Catherine Austin Fitts – We are Watching the Mother of All Debt EntrapmentsInvestment advisor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin … Read more

Fishing in a Barrel of Fear

OK. these are mixed metaphors but these are crazy times with conflicting and contradictory narratives being fed to us everywhere. all the time.

Fear has become a constant. I don’t watch broadcast TV and haven’t, until recently, listened to radio for a long time. Over the weekend, I took the radio out of the cupboard and pre-tuned it to Radio 4, LBC, Radio 3, Jazz FM and Classic FM. In the time that I listened to the five channels, coronavirus fear porn and lockdown propaganda were repeated consistently on all five. I knew that people were being subjected to this Orwellian nonsense non-stop but experiencing it is quite a shock when one’s dismissed/ignored it from the outset.

So, there’s the barrel of fear; manipulating the terrified majority is like “shooting fish in a barrel”… metaphor number one.

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Useful Idiots and Elevated Cattle learn they too are disposable

While my last post bemoaned the lack of visible dissent in the UK, the picture is more encouraging elsewhere. Open anti-lockdown protests are growing and reported in Vancouver, Ohio, Berlin and elsewhere.

More importantly, there are signs that the privileged, pampered celebrities and elevated cattle are beginning to realise that the lifestyle they’ve enjoyed hitherto hasn’t insulated them from what the rest of us endure under the quarantines and curfews. The strains and stresses within the criminal class who facilitated the march towards the new world order are coming to the surface.

Momentum is building and we can all do our bit to spread the word as Max Igan suggests.

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Britain has Surrendered its Liberty and Children’s Future

The British people have surrendered their liberty and their children’s future without so much as a shot being fired. Britain is not alone. The docility of the human cattle is global.

On a bike ride in the last few days, I encountered a couple who seemed to have spotted me as an “outlier” and asked, “what do you think of coronavirus?”. My response, “it’s bollocks”, was received with an indication of palpable relief and our subsequent conversation was reassuring and interesting. However, before we get too excited, this sort of fortuitous meeting of like-minded people seems to be a rarity.

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COVID-19 Regulations – Unlawful, Unnecessary and Implemented in Bad Faith


The UK government and most other governments throughout the world have assumed extraordinary power to arbitrarily fine, arrest and imprison those it deems guilty of contravening the COVID-19 Regulations. These powers came into force on Monday 23rd March 2020, in spite of the UK Government, under advice from panels of health experts, downgrading the threat of COVID-19 on 19th March 2020. COVID-19 was no longer classified by the UK government as a High Consequence Infectious Disease.

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Are we looking at the wrong birdie?

No, this is NOT an April fool joke!

While we’re all focusing on “contagion” and the risk of catching an “airborne” and “highly contagious” disease (something I learnt was “either/or” when I was young, never both together), are people getting sick from something else entirely. After all, we’re electric beings in an electric universe.

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