Energy Sanity in an Insane World

Energy resources such as coal, oil and gas have powered human evolution and development since the industrial revolution in the UK. Through a combination of ignorance, ideology and the three fundamental flaws in the structure of the political economy, we have, over recent decades, denied ourselves access to these invaluable resources. Similarly, nuclear technology has … Read more

We are at War but Who’s the Enemy?

I was going to write about the contradictions and lunacy of mandatory mask wearing and its perverse consequences but Pennie sent me this video which is essential viewing. How Will WWIII Be Fought? – Questions For Corbett #062A Corbett Report viewer writes in to ask about the mechanics of World War III . . . … Read more

Beyond Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking at the Free University has just published the 7th and final iteration of its accumulated research and analysis of political economy, How we live – who rules, how and why?, which explains:

we are at a crossroads and faced with a choice; the choice will differ depending on where people are on their personal journey of discovery. Many have yet to reach the limits of critical thinking in exploring political economy to realise that there lies a world of possibilities beyond;

– events are coming to a head; dramatic changes to the fabric of global society are accelerating. The “powers that shouldn’t be” are preparing for the Cull.

How we live – Who rules, how and why? at

Below is the Abstract of the final iteration:

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