On 1st October 2020, I laid out two ways to challenge Agenda 21/2030, the Global Reset and the COVID trojan at the local level through doctors and local councils since when there has been further correspondence with my doctors’ surgery.
I’ve had two emails in response to my letter to the local council on 1st October 2020, both of which are referred to in my letter today:
20th October 2020
FAO. Nesil Caliskan,
Mrs Y Brown – Council Tax Team Leader and Geoff Waterton, Head of Service – Assessment and
collection services
Enfield Council
Dear Nesil
Since last writing to you and your colleagues on 1st October 2020, I’ve received two emails. One from Fathama Khan in the Leader’s office and the other from Mrs Y Brown, Council Tax Team Leader. Neither of these attempted to answer the points I raised, not least the arbitrary and punitive action to attempt to extract the total amount without reason other than I dispute the actions of the Council. Even if you were to satisfactorily address my complaint, for what reason is the regular payment option withdrawn? I will continue to pay, by instalment, one third of what is demanded on the original payment schedule dated 1st April 2020.
I will not reiterate the reasons why I’m taking this action because they are dealt with in my previous letters. However, the effects of the measures taken by the UK government and Enfield Council are clearly evident. As someone who spends time travelling around the borough and London by car, bicycle and public transport, I’ve observed the deterioration of the quality of life through deliberate sabotage. Traffic is more frequently log-jammed even though the number of vehicles on the roads is greatly reduced; traffic is now often restricted to main roads which have been narrowed to impede the flow of traffic leading to numerous adverse consequences, not least pollution.
The wholesale decimation of businesses is evident all around the capital and the borough while the likes of Amazon continue to hoover up the business that smaller businesses enjoyed before this madness began. Also observed is the extraordinary coordination of “messages” with signage and other means to coerce people into changing their attitudes and behaviour. No doubt vast amounts of council tax payers’ funds have contributed to this Orwellian regime.
The full economic impact of the measures taken by the Council and government are yet to be reflected in official statistics, which in themselves are bad enough. As we suggested in the paper sent previously, things are going to get much worse from here unless we take appropriate action, not least ending the current “lockdown” madness and all the other baseless responses to this fabricated pandemic.
COVID19: Plunder and Population Reduction
The UK government and local councils have taken on powers arbitrarily to change our attitudes and behaviour on the basis of fraudulent science and through misapplication of their office. Barristers are lining up to take UK MPs to court for criminal prosecution.
Yesterday afternoon we received confirmation that the partners of the firm of barristers we are talking to about the case against Parliament are all in agreement – the case is one that can be won, despite the hurdles that we will have to get over to achieve that.
This means that we are now moving forward into the preparation of the court papers, including an affidavit containing all of the allegations of fraud, treason and genocide.
It will be the first time allegations of treason have been made since the aftermath of WWII, whilst genocide is a crime under international law and the such allegations would almost certainly be dealt with in the Hague.
Nevertheless, with Liverpool and Northern Ireland already under regional lockdown diktats , as well as Newcastle and London having been threatened with the same, along with the rest of Britain [save for the more affluent areas], we are aiming to lay the charges in a criminal court as soon as they have been properly drafted.
We will also be seeking an order placing the entire cabinet and their advisers under house arrest, to prevent the rogue government from attempting to murder more people [as well as its opponents, under the new homicide enabling act] with purported statutory impunity.
Council officers and local councillors are vulnerable, individually, to criminal charges of complicity in fraud, treason and genocide, referred to in the court papers above.
Awareness of the information I’ve referred to is growing, along with the anger directed at politicians and civil servants – as we’ve learned from the past, “I was only following orders” is no defence.
I suggest you take some proper independent advice before continuing on the course that has been set out for you.
Yours sincerely
Clive Menzies
This letter of 20th October 2020 is also available as a ,pdf
Previous letters:
Council Tax Payment 29th June 2020
Council Tax – Disputed 1st October 2020 – incidentally, the “social distancing” barriers referred to in this letter have suddenly disappeared. I claim no credit for this but my letter may have been a factor along with rising awareness/anger among a broader cross-section of the local population.
Feel free to plagiarise and challenge your own local authority – we don’t have much time before resistance becomes much more difficult.