I’ve been quiet here for a while because my life has been through a bit of an upheaval since Maggie died in May last year, not least my being reluctantly hospitalised for a week with pneumonia in February. I’m now pretty much recovered and feel ready to re-enter the fray – i.e. able to write and up my engagement with what’s going on.
In the last few days, a couple of items arrived via my network that caught my attention and are worthy of comment. The first deals with an absence of critical thinking, primarily in academia, and provides an interesting perspective on the yawning gap between perceptions and reality.
The Fall of Critical Thinking by Bruce Davidson
The Covid panic and repression did not happen in a vacuum. A pattern of persecuting people rather than engaging those with dissenting opinions had already been well-established in the educational world and the mainstream mass media, making the oppressive treatment Covid dissenters experienced somewhat predictable. Likewise, there was an obvious, widespread failure to apply critical thinking…
The general thrust of the article describes the author’s experiences but overlooks the fundamental structural problem and the ideology that drives it. That cult that has been implementing the ideology for the last two and a half thousand years colonised learning and suppressed critical thinking via the system of public education. The following paper describes how this was accomplished – destroying people’s ability to think is part of the strategy of control to harvest human energy and global resources.
Gulag Academia
From our entry into school, through university and often beyond, we are tested, graded and herded into “roles” or compartments within the political economy – sufficiently educated to do the job we are allocated but not enough to understand the context of our role nor how it contributes to our collective enslavement.
Bruce Davidson also falls into the trap he describes in The Fall of Critical Thinking when he says that Japanese students blindly parrot an “anti-Semitic” paper that suggests that the destruction of Israel is the only way to resolve the Palestinian conflict. The intricacies of the origins of Israel are too complex to attempt to unpack in this article but insofar as Israel was founded as a gift to Rothschilds (the Balfour Declaration) for creating conditions (via their control of the levers of power) to ensure the USA entered the first World War to destroy Germany, there is a certain logic in suggesting Israel’s removal is the way to resolve the conflict. However, we are way beyond that being a practical solution in the current circumstances, besides which the Israeli government seems hell bent on the destruction of everything in the region including Israel itself. I attempted to provide the context of what’s happening in Palestine/Israel in an interview with Press TV at the end of last year.
PressTV Spotlight 28Dec2023 – Israel
Behind the death and destruction in Palestine is an ideology powered by a structure. We are the power of that structure and to stop this war and all the other madness in the world, we need to disengage from the structure in every way we can.
Arguably, the dissolution of governments and all nation states is the way to eliminate war.
The second article that came to my attention in the last few days is related in some ways to the first because it questions how Western powers think and the mismatch between perception and reality. It’s a good article but like the critical thinking article, misses the structural and deliberate nature of the problem.
The Art of War: Different Thinking Systems by Alastair Crooke
Just as the West failed to understand Russia, and was taken by surprise, so it is that the White House firmly ignores the Biblical ‘End of Times’ dimension to the Israeli ‘way of thinking about war’.
Alistair Crooke references Jacques Baud’s new book — The Russian Art of War: How the West Led Ukraine to Defeat. I referred to a couple of articles by Jacques Baud in early stages of Russia’s military operation in the Spring of 2022 that provided clarity amid the confusion of mainstream and social media narratives.
In his new book, Jacques refers to terrorism but makes no mention of Western and Israeli intelligence services’ involvement in fomenting false flag “terrorist” events and grooming patsies who are often blamed for atrocities of which they had little knowledge. These patterns repeat and repeat as Ole Dammegard‘s books and 40 years of research reveal.
Until we understand the structural nature of this war on us all, it is impossible to make sense of the chaos in the world.
The structure is being displaced by something more powerful that will ensure everyone can sustain themselves. It won’t necessarily eliminate conflict but it will ensure that war is neither systemic nor at today’s scale.