Tomorrow we’re back in Highbury Corner Magistrates Court for withholding two thirds of Council Tax for the years 2020/21 and 2021/22; both cases are being heard tomorrow. For the story so far, see here.
The following has been sent in respect of the case concerning 2021/22:
Response to Notice Issued on 22 June 2021
The following has been sent in respect of the case concerning 2020/21:
Supplement to Item 2 in the Statement of Facts in the Response dated 25 May 2021
Enfield Council, its Councillors and Officers have not been acting in the interests of residents and businesses but have colluded with government and others to harm us all.
Winning in court was not the objective of our challenge. Once people know, they cannot unknow. It is then up to them how they behave. If we do not now refuse to be cowed into submission, the future will be bleak but there is a rising tide of resistance. We can stop this.