Colonialism, Commons and Culture

This is, loosely speaking, the fourth in a series of conversations with Faiza at Hidayat TV, sharing Critical Thinking’s and subsequent analysis of how we organise ourselves as a species. The first conversation is on education, the second on the structure of the world and our role within it and the third on the contrast … Read more

Tell It Like It Is

Peter of TGL Hubs sent this with the intro: “Some down-to-earth wisdom from a fellow grandad, Ian Carter, on health and engineered sickness (there is much more on his Narrow Gate channel)” Bad Actors, Nicotene, Censorship & Amino Acids (video 35 minutes 34 seconds) Those who’ve been on this journey of discovery well know the … Read more

Funding Our Own Enslavement and Destruction

I’ve not written about the “climate crisis” specifically for a while, although I’ve referred to it in the context of the COVID trojan. We’ve been funding our own imprisonment and destruction over the last 13 months, through the plunder and structural violence embedded in the false COVID narrative and the eugenicist agenda driving the war … Read more

COVID Plunder… the People Know!

…and here are some of those “sinister individuals” *Click on any of the above images to see the two minute video COVID-19 is a symptom of the Political Economy which incentivises Plunder and Structural Violence. Awareness is growing and when enough perceptions match reality… reality will change. Many thanks to all involved who pulled off … Read more

No-One has Died from “Coronavirus”

As my Bulgarian friend Alex reminded me when he sent me the next link, there is a popular joke in medical circles: “Doctors know something but can do nothing. Surgeons can do something but know nothing. Pathologists know and can do everything!” “No one has died from the coronavirus” Important revelations shared by Dr Stoian … Read more

The End of the Age of Plunder

An Age of Possibilities Arises AbstractThe internet, distributed ledger technology and tokenisation are creating new modes of economicbehaviour and participation that threaten the centralised paradigm of fiat money and “trusted thirdparties”. These developments open possibilities for financial inclusion and economic participation foreveryone on the planet. These new opportunities will be adopted and developed by those … Read more