Simple Money Kills

Money, as we know it today, is lethal. Why? Money is the currency of life and death in today’s world andthe money environment dictates our reality. For example, why do doctors lie to their patients? Many doctors are promoting potentially lethal, experimental medication to their patients because they are making between £10 and £25 per … Read more

Cold-Blooded Mass Murder

How else does one describe a plan to cull up to 7 billion of the human herd? To the Structural Elite, it is the essential culmination of plans laid a century ago or more but to the majority of people, if they understand what is currently unfolding, it is premeditated genocide on an unprecedented scale.

We warned of the impending human cull on 18th October 2019, on the day that the false flag “coronavirus crisis” was rehearsed by John Hopkins University, the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in Event 201 but preparations and planning go back as far as “Spanish Flu” a century ago when the misdirection of public and expert opinion on viruses and vaccination began. More recently, we’ve been subjected to a succession of false flag pandemics which failed to materialise but became embedded in the human psyche, along with the inverted conviction that vaccines are beneficial.

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COVID-19 Regulations – Unlawful, Unnecessary and Implemented in Bad Faith


The UK government and most other governments throughout the world have assumed extraordinary power to arbitrarily fine, arrest and imprison those it deems guilty of contravening the COVID-19 Regulations. These powers came into force on Monday 23rd March 2020, in spite of the UK Government, under advice from panels of health experts, downgrading the threat of COVID-19 on 19th March 2020. COVID-19 was no longer classified by the UK government as a High Consequence Infectious Disease.

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Phases of Deception

The context or background to what is unfolding today, under the pretext of a fabricated pandemic, is provided in How We Live which is introduced in a two part video.

In that paper, reference is made to false flag attacks to initiate and sustain the so called “war on terror” to coral the human cattle into docile submission to draconian security and surveillance while unleashing perpetual war. This was Phase One of Deception and provided the impetus and confidence to roll out the following phases to create the global police state. Today, the illusion of freedom is evaporating before our eyes.

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Global System Reset

This is the beginning of the end. The end of the current paradigm as we know it. Whichever way life unfolds from here, it will be radically different to what we’ve experienced hitherto.

Being prepared psychologically for what is unfolding is essential and that means having an understanding of the global political economy and the trajectory towards a new world order.

In October last year, Critical Thinking laid out the final iteration of its analysis which explains how we got to this point and the intended goal – the total subjugation of humanity. But this is not inevitable, merely the intention. Unintended consequences present opportunities for us to create our own new world order; one which creates freedom and prosperity for all.

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Holocaust – Research or Denial?

In a growing number of countries, one can be imprisoned for questioning the alleged holocaust of 6 million Jews under the direction of Adolf Hitler during world war two, often referred to as the “good war“. To be characterised as a “holocaust denier” or, as a result, an anti-Semite, strikes to the heart of the trained human psyche. What other question is an imprisonable offence?

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Think Context

Critical Thinking’s research and analysis revealed the limitations of abstraction which is how most people derive their understanding of the world – abstraction is how we’ve been trained to manage complexity, ie. if we are considering a complex issue or event, we’re wont to isolate the elements we can grasp or appreciate to focus on these to derive our opinions or views; often what we choose to abstract to justify our world view is determined by our ideological perspectives. Thus we ignore “inconvenient” evidence or information as irrelevant or wrong because it doesn’t “fit” with our world view. Furthermore, we tend to dismiss information from sources outside our cultural comfort zone, ie. from those with whom we feel we have little in common.

In the last post, I referred to how we’ve been trained out of our human essence to become aspiring consumers – in other words, we’ve been isolated from our fundamental context as individuals interacting with other individuals to form human bonds of common interest mandated by universal consciousness – we have lost the middle ground; as Laurie Anderson explains:

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Gulag Academia

A study of the effect of hierarchy on academic freedom and our consequent perceptions of reality has been uploaded to and is available as a PDF here.


Purpose: Exposing the deficiencies of institutional hierarchies in academia which limit the potential for human creativity and understanding.

Design/methodology/approach: This paper is the product of non-hierarchical, self-organised learning following the methodology of CoCreative Learning (see Section 9).

Findings: Academia’s institutional hierarchy perpetuates ignorance of the current political economy which functions as a mechanism to farm humans and harvest the wealth they create.

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Beyond Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking at the Free University has just published the 7th and final iteration of its accumulated research and analysis of political economy, How we live – who rules, how and why?, which explains:

we are at a crossroads and faced with a choice; the choice will differ depending on where people are on their personal journey of discovery. Many have yet to reach the limits of critical thinking in exploring political economy to realise that there lies a world of possibilities beyond;

– events are coming to a head; dramatic changes to the fabric of global society are accelerating. The “powers that shouldn’t be” are preparing for the Cull.

How we live – Who rules, how and why? at

Below is the Abstract of the final iteration:

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