The Dinosaur Hoax

To defeat religion’s God, Scientism needed there to be evidence of evolution, more than just words, and suddenly, in the late 1700’s, dinosaur fossils miraculously began appearing. Why would I be writing about this? Why is it important in the context of the madness, death and destruction all around us today? Sophie sent this series … Read more

Consciousness Comes From Feeling Not Data

I was asked to join the Spotlight programme last night to discuss Europe’s economic crisis. Spotlight: EUROPE ECONOMIC WOE (video 21minutes 23 seconds)Discussion of the inflationary and economic crisis unfolding across Europe with Esha Krishnaswamy and Clive Menzies In my contribution, I talk about people awakening to reality. By implication, I was talking about the … Read more

Warriors For Truth

Seeking truth and clarity of where we are, how we got here and how we can align our lives with our beliefs reveals many “versions” of truth. Each perspective may seem true in isolation or within a limited context but may be revealed as false by wider observation or comparison. Only when we delve down … Read more

Human Evolution versus the “Plan”

Mark Windows provides a digestible but comprehensive narrative for what is unfolding in his inimitable style. Mark Windows on the Richie Allen Show (video 1 hour 8 minutes 30 seconds) The “plan” described by Mark is a combination of agendas including the Great Reset and Agendas 21/2030 that can be broadly summarised as plunder and … Read more

One Database To Rule Them All

In my recent conversation with Jackie from the NHS “Immunisation Management Servide”, when pressed, she told me that the real reason for calling me was to ascertain whether I had received the COVID “vaccination”… subtext: “Am I a refusenik?” This was to be recorded on my medical records. El Reg today published news of the … Read more

From Dark into Light

First the Dark. THE COMING ZOMBIE APOCALYPSEMax Igan explains where we are… Discovering the light. Conversations From the HeartFor there to be freedom, there can be no systems, no constructs to depend upon, or authorities to derive one’s truth from. Spiritual evolution, is outside of time, it exists now or it does not, in similitude … Read more

The Next Level

We cannot keep giving our energy to the ideology of destruction without consequences – our learning needs to go beyond the mechanics of our enslavement. Defendressofsan Strikes Back! Sara & Lisa 10 13 2020 “Everybody for everybody or nothing for nobody” The trick is to be open… There are a few interesting discussion threads relating … Read more

Protest and Principled Pragmatism

Having attended the Trafalgar Square, London rally on 29th August 2020 and yesterday’s event for the first couple of hours and having watched the Ruptly.TV livestream of both yesterday and the 19th September event which I didn’t attend, I’ve been reflecting on the effectiveness of protest. Turning out to show the world that there are … Read more