Securitisation – Essential Knowledge

In financial circles, securitisation is the practice of bundling assets (often the commons and public assets, property, infrastructure etc.) into traded financial instruments or “securities”. The following is a very different form of securitisation with even more sinister consequences. @Earthling, on Odysee, reveals the academic underpinnings to fabricate and inculcate illusory existential risks into global … Read more

Britain has Surrendered its Liberty and Children’s Future

The British people have surrendered their liberty and their children’s future without so much as a shot being fired. Britain is not alone. The docility of the human cattle is global.

On a bike ride in the last few days, I encountered a couple who seemed to have spotted me as an “outlier” and asked, “what do you think of coronavirus?”. My response, “it’s bollocks”, was received with an indication of palpable relief and our subsequent conversation was reassuring and interesting. However, before we get too excited, this sort of fortuitous meeting of like-minded people seems to be a rarity.

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Information received – War on Humanity

I received this recently from someone with whom I’m unfamiliar but their email contains a treasure trove of information which, in the spirit of co-creative learning, is shared for others to sift, analyse and reshare if they choose.

I’ve copied and pasted the email but have had to do quite a lot of reformatting of links etc. If any don’t work, please let me know. clive [AT]

Weaponizing the language closes the doors of human perception. Political correctness is only one such example. Today philosophers and theologians [religio-philosophers], scientists and legal theorists; social, cultural, political, economic, and behavioral theorists [would be philosopher-kings and academicians] too – all conspire to enslave the mind and to govern human action in the name of humanity… or science… and community. These priests of the mind speak of the precautionary principle, then they speak of noblesse oblige, all the while citing their erudition and mere attempts to do good by others. They insist it is their responsibility to protect us… from ourselves.

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The power of co-creative learning

A couple of endorsements of Critical Thinking’s analysis from Twitter

What is paramount in co-creative learning is its collaborative nature, drawing and building on the work of many others. Critical Thinking’s conclusions are the culmination of millions of man hours, worked by hundreds of thousands of people, shared by thousands more and filtered through the Critical Thinking community to be re-shared via email, the website, conversations, books, articles, videos, podcasts and Twitter. Critical Thinking’s motto is:

Thus no individual or group can claim “ownership” of what Critical Thinking has produced – knowledge is one of the most important commons. Theft of the commons is one of the three fundamental flaws in the political economy.

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