Blatant Lies

Those who’ve been paying attention know that governments lie and the British government lies more than most. The bigger the lie, the more people seem willing to accept it, as exemplified by the fraudulent statistics used to frighten the British population into total submission to insanity. When we compare notifiable infectious disease statistics with what … Read more

Furlough, Protest and Terror

Artist and critical thinker Eddie asks some pertinent questions about COVID and furlough. The Lure of Furlough also available on BitChute. “furlough is keeping us, to varying degrees, confused and contented for now…” My previous article linked to Mark Windows’ show on the infiltration and subversion of campaign groups and protests by security services and … Read more

More Chaos is Coming

If COVID-19 was the beginning of the current round of planned chaos (arguably, everything stems from 11th September 2001, with the trigger of the “New Pearl Harbour” anticipated by the Project for the New American Century – PNAC), the 2020 US Presidential election will likely accelerate the chaos in order to complete the plans for … Read more