Navigating GeoPolitics and its Relevance to the Middle East and Beyond

In the following video, I explain the relevance today of two world wars, the Bolshevik and Mao Zedong’s Cultural revolution. Hidayat TV YOUTH MATTERS: NAVIGATING GEOPOLITICS and its RELEVANCE TO THE MIDDLE EAST-25.11.24 (video 22 minutes 2 seconds) Most of the links posted in yesterday’s article are relevant to this explanation.

Voices at the Threshold

The Outersite article, Consciousness, Polarity and Resonance, published in November 2020, refers to Michael Finesilver’s book, The Threshold Perspective. When we understand consciousness, polarity and resonance, it becomes clear how close we are to a real paradigm shift… In June 2023, Michael sent me his latest book, Voices at the Threshold which is available to … Read more

Rising Consciousness

Shabbir shared this on Telegram The Capital of the Multipolar World: A Moscow DiaryIn Moscow you feel no crisis. No effects of sanctions. No unemployment. No homeless people in the streets. Minimal inflation. To which I responded with the following: Excellent insights into the real time situation and motivation of the Russian and many other … Read more

Shifts In Perception

Eddie sent me this video that prompted today’s article. Are Viruses Even A Scientific Theory? (video 19 minutes 19 seconds)by Sam BaileyShow notes 👉 The video restates the case against virology very clearly although the language and terminology may be challenging for some (including me). Stefan Lanka offered a similar challenge in respect of … Read more

Human Evolution versus the “Plan”

Mark Windows provides a digestible but comprehensive narrative for what is unfolding in his inimitable style. Mark Windows on the Richie Allen Show (video 1 hour 8 minutes 30 seconds) The “plan” described by Mark is a combination of agendas including the Great Reset and Agendas 21/2030 that can be broadly summarised as plunder and … Read more

The Nature of Reality and Why What Most of What We Think Is Wrong

Following the discussion on Truth & Libraries, roundtable 2, 17/3/21, Medical Myths a couple of weeks ago on viruses, germs and sickness with Dawn Lester, co-author of What Really Makes You Ill?, I had the opportunity to talk to Dawn and David yesterday. THE NATURE OF REALITY AND WHY WHAT MOST OF WHAT WE THINK … Read more