Structures and Money in Transition

Decentralisation – moving from exchange value to use value Abstract: The current political economy fosters competition and centralised structures, resulting inunequal distribution of wealth and institutions that fail to deliver on their promises. However,structural changes driven by disruptive technologies are gathering momentum. In order to harnessthese developments for the benefit of everyone, we need to … Read more

Structural Incentives Govern Behaviour

While we are distracted by the daily newsround which provokes fear, outrage and division, we continue to feed the predatory organism by succumbing to the incentives integral to the system. In this video, James Corbett talks to Derrick Broze about how we can opt out of the predatory system.

Derrick Broze on Opting Out of Technocracy
We all know the existential threat that technocracy poses to the human species. So what’s the solution to this problem? Joining us today to discuss this issue is Derrick Broze of who has just published How to Opt-Out of the Technocratic State, a guide that eschews fear porn and emphasizes solutions to the encroaching technocratic tyranny.

In the discussion, and no doubt in Derrick’s new book, are various suggestions as to how to “disconnect” from the system, among which are the use of alternative currencies and means of conducting economic relationships.

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