Colonialism, Commons and Culture

This is, loosely speaking, the fourth in a series of conversations with Faiza at Hidayat TV, sharing Critical Thinking’s and subsequent analysis of how we organise ourselves as a species. The first conversation is on education, the second on the structure of the world and our role within it and the third on the contrast … Read more

Art, Trauma and Money

Serendipity (or the universe) strikes again. I’ve often said that these articles appear without conscious effort on my part and originate from unlikely places or conversations. Last weekend, I was lucky to be invited to the Cheltenham International Film Festival which had a rich, varied and engaging programme of screenings and events. This is neither … Read more

Co-Creative Dynamics

In co-creative research, analysis and development there is a power that is difficult to quantify or explain but many will have experienced this power when working collaboratively. Since ceasing to work on the Critical Thinking project, a few of us have been collaborating in other groups and between them, they’ve accelerated our comprehension and appreciation … Read more