Toxic Mimicry

My expanding network of “soul mates” and mutual interest groups shares information and wisdom. I’d not heard of Derrick Jensen until this short video arrived via Telegram from Fern. Toxic Mimics – Derrick Jensen (video 2 minutes 52 seconds)“Rape is a toxic mimic of sex. War is a toxic mimic of play. The bond between … Read more

Awareness Foundation

I recently attended a presentation to a local group by the The event was well attended but somewhat chaotic – not unusual in activist circles. I left after a couple of hours (it started an hour late) because I’d had enough and didn’t need to hear much more. I was asked subsequently of what … Read more

COVID-19 Regulations – Unlawful, Unnecessary and Implemented in Bad Faith


The UK government and most other governments throughout the world have assumed extraordinary power to arbitrarily fine, arrest and imprison those it deems guilty of contravening the COVID-19 Regulations. These powers came into force on Monday 23rd March 2020, in spite of the UK Government, under advice from panels of health experts, downgrading the threat of COVID-19 on 19th March 2020. COVID-19 was no longer classified by the UK government as a High Consequence Infectious Disease.

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Democracy Illusion

Apologies. When I tried to find the following joke, I failed and made a poor attempt at retelling it. The intrepid Maggie found it for me and credit goes to Critical Thinker, Roger, who forwarded the joke. The original joke came from David Stevenson to whom I owe an even bigger apology for bastardising the original. So here it is, as told by David:

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The Psychology of Servitude

On New Year’s Day, I had a conversation with Mark Windows on his new livestream show.

New Age Global Citizens (1hour 29 minute video)

A follow-up discussion to the Sunday 29th December 2019 Windows On The World show, Archons of the New Age
Mark Windows and Clive Menzies from Critical Thinking look further into the power structure of New Age Governance.

It is also on the Outersite BitChute channel:

Towards the end of the discussion, we get into how we can escape the tyranny of the current political economy and how we need to take responsibility for ourselves and each other. As so often happens, this article came my way subsequently; it expresses what I meant so much more eloquently.

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Beyond Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking at the Free University has just published the 7th and final iteration of its accumulated research and analysis of political economy, How we live – who rules, how and why?, which explains:

we are at a crossroads and faced with a choice; the choice will differ depending on where people are on their personal journey of discovery. Many have yet to reach the limits of critical thinking in exploring political economy to realise that there lies a world of possibilities beyond;

– events are coming to a head; dramatic changes to the fabric of global society are accelerating. The “powers that shouldn’t be” are preparing for the Cull.

How we live – Who rules, how and why? at

Below is the Abstract of the final iteration:

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