Scale and Effective Dissent

At last night’s post-Critical Thinking meeting, we had the largest turnout since the original Critical Thinking project at the Free University started in January 2012 – the first meeting attracted around 50 people. Since then the numbers fluctuated but our most productive work was the result of many meetings involving between 4 and 12 people, usually 6 to 8 – that was the typical number.

Last night’s meeting exceeded 20 people which in many respects is a good thing. However, such numbers cease to be effective in the context of co-creative learning. Consequently, we had a round-robin discussion on where the group goes from here.

Clearly, the lockdown has resulted in far fewer opportunities for people to meet to share information and ideas which largely explains the dramatic increase in numbers. Various preferences were expressed but no consensus was reached on how meetings should be organised in future although introducing some structure was generally felt to be important.

I’ve urged people to form their own groups, drawing on the CoCreative Learning methodology that evolved from Critical Thinking. In this context, I will be working to start a group local to where I live. In North London; there is growing anger at the roll-out of “smart-city” developments and the elimination of cars under the guise of the “climate crisis” and the COVID scamdemic, i.e. Agenda 2030. Few people understand how this is all part of a plan that ties into the “The Great Reset”. This is why forming local co-creative learning groups to resist these changes at the local level is so important, i.e. to expand understanding within the local context.

Critical Thinking’s analysis suggests that the route to freedom is through a shared understanding of reality. Once common perceptions match reality, among a sufficient number of people, the world will change abruptly.

My other focus is the monetary environment because money drives everything and is the key to changing the incentives and penalties of the current political economy. People’s attitudes and behaviour are governed by the money environment and this is why most are complying with their own enslavement and destruction. I’ve been working with Alex and others on developing our understanding of money and we’ve produced three papers so far, the latest of which puts the COVID-19 scamdemic into context of money and how the current trajectory is changing.

We’ve argued that the current centralised money system is already under threat from disruptive technologies and we are working on a taxonomy of money to present to those involved in developing the digital currency infrastructure, including those working in the supranational regulatory bodies such as the IMF, UN and the ITU (International Telecoms Union). If we can get those on the “inside” to recognise the way money really works, we’re well on the way to transforming the money environment that governs attitudes and behaviour.

As I’ve also indicated, I’ve embarked on a spiritual journey of discovery because there is an esoteric dimension to our enslavement but this is more of a personal endeavour which isn’t easily conducted in collaboration with others, although I’ve benefited greatly from information and ideas that others have introduced.

So where does this leave the post-Critical Thinking meetings?

It is for George and John to decide how they conduct the meetings in future and some ideas generated in last night’s discussion are an indicator of what people want. More structure is definitely desirable and perhaps a review of the Agendas for the Critical Thinking meetings in the past may show the way forward.

As I said a year ago, Critical Thinking completed the task it set out to accomplish and the need is now different. These regular meetings offer one of the few opportunities for people to behave as free human beings rather than slave automatons and must be cherished and nurtured accordingly.