I didn’t expect to write about Elizabeth Saxe-Coburg because while her announced death heralds an acceleration of the madness that began two and half years ago, I try to not to focus on what is put in front of us to distract, divide and absorb our energy. I was planning to ignore the theatre of the kakistocracy as much as I avoided the recent Jubilee celebrations.
However, yesterday Eddie remarked upon Monday’s UK Column broadcast for reasons that will become clear. I watched the first 40 minutes last night and was so gobsmacked by the tenor of the segment and the time devoted to the royal theatre that I had to email my observations to the team immediately:
Over the years I have valued UK Column’s output although I’ve frequently taken issue with some of the analysis. However, the opening segment on Monday was breathtakingly naive and it’s difficult to know where to start.
The institution of monarchy in the UK and its long history of treachery and duplicity needs a lot of unpacking. Similarly, the complicity of the Saxe-Coburg Gotha dynasty in the destruction of European nations and culture and the plunder and abuse of nations around the world is similarly complex.
When one joins the dots, one can see how both the institution and the family are integral to the march of the ideology of destruction on the road to enslavement of all peoples of the world which goes back centuries.
I was invited on Friday for a live interview on Saturday by Press TV to give commentary on the performance of Elizabeth to which I responded:
My perspective on the monarchy is more about the institution than the late queen. She presided over and colluded with the conspiracy to commit treason, starting in the 1970s when British sovereignty and strategic assets were sold to foreign powers. However, she wasn’t the first British monarch to act against the interests of the British people nor was the Heath government that implemented the conspiracy. Britain has been progressively colonised by money power, i.e. the international banking cartel dominated by a few families led by the Rothschilds. Britain is not unique in this respect and to varying degrees most every nation is controlled by the money system. Those that attempt to resist this influence are demonised, undermined and often destroyed. All wars are banksters’ wars. Governments, including monarchies dance to the tune of money power or suffer the consequences; in return the individuals such as Elizabeth Saxe-Coburg enjoy extraordinary privilege, status and power. A Faustian pact entered into by successive monarchs, dictators and government ministers.
If this perspective is of interest, I’d be happy to participate https://iei.kau.edu.sa/Files/121/Files/153872_30-02-09-Clive-3.pdf
In the event, I was unable to participate on that occasion because I was discussing Europe and Energy on a recording for George Galloway’s show, Kalima Horra, earlier in the day and the timing was too tight. Press TV expressed interest in what I wrote and agreed to postpone the interview for another occasion. Whether that will happen, I have no idea.
Brian and Mike did provide some counter narrative to David’s fawning segment for which we must be grateful.
This video, while by no means complete gives one a flavour of the recent UK monarchy
I will leave it there but suggest that David, like many of your audience that you suggest feel a deep sense of loss and affection for the late queen, is suffering from Stockholm Syndrome as a result of consuming mainstream media and orthodoxy for most of his life. It’s not called TeLieVision for nothing.
Fortunately, there is a counter narrative that is gathering momentum that will render institutional hierarchies (and monarchs) irrelevant.
Perhaps UK Column should spend more of its time focusing on the self-organising structures emerging that form the foundations for our future because the current structure (and all its institutions) have already lost the war on us all. While things will undoubtedly get worse in the meantime, as the structure spawns more abuse and destruction in its death throes, what lies ahead is far more beneficial for us all and future generations.
We are at the threshold of a seismic shift in human consciousness resulting in a transformation from competition and all that that entails to a world of cooperation and mutual support.
One expects this kind of mawkish distraction to be plastered over media and the succession of Charlie boy does herald a step change in the agenda but there is so much more important work to do than fawn over these privileged, pampered parasites. Anyone who claims to have a basic understanding of the protocols of power should know better than to allow their own energy to be harvested thus, let alone that of their audience.