James Corbett and Catherine Austin Fitts discuss central control (technocracy) versus distributed autonomous organisation (DAO) – they don’t use this term but they are talking about self-organising communities co-creating their own means of exchange, food and other systems.
Catherine Austin Fitts on The State of Our Currencies
With the global technocrats taking the world through the “Going Direct” Reset into the abyss of the End of Currency and the ultimate transhuman slave state, things could not be more dire. But, as Catherine Austin Fitts of Solari.com tells us, there are options on the table for taking things in a completely different direction and unlocking the incredible abundance of the planet. The choice is our, but for how long? Don’t miss this important, solutions-focused discussion on The State of Our Currencies.
The choice between slavery and freedom comes down to where our money comes from.
Today, if we want money in order to be able to create or satisfy a need, we need to exchange something – our labour or something of value. Thus, as far as we are concerned, current money is exogenous, i.e. it is provided externally and is independent of our activity. However, for banks, who create money, it is endogenous – money is created as part of their banking activity; i.e. banking and money creation are integral.
Similarly, Bitcoin, other than when it is “mined”, is exogenous to users. We have to exchange something of value (labour or goods) to acquire Bitcoins. However, to those who “mine” Bitcoins, they are endogenous, i.e. Bitcoins are generated as part of the miners’ activity.
Building on the ideas generated from the taxonomy of money described previously, we can create endogenous tokens (aka. money) for all, i.e. token creation becomes integral to the human activity of satisfying needs through creation (of goods and services) and exchange.
The series of sketches in this link is but one of a growing number that Alex and I have generated in exploring the possible mechanics and sequencing of transactions using endogenous money. As we share these ideas more widely, we expect others to improve and refine these. A distributed system of endogenous tokens can foster localised economic activity with the potential to transact globally if required.
While we’re working on digital implementations of endogenous money, similar ideas could be implemented in the form of physical tokens.
Slavery or freedom is determined by what conditions allow us to create and satisfy needs. As long as our access to money is rationed by third parties, we are under their control. Independent, autonomous access to (endogenous) money or tokens means we’re under no-one’s control, i.e. we are free.