Echo Chambers Of Lies

Fear porn and lies are spread not just by manipulative mainstream and alternative media but also echo within the annals of sincere opposition, particularly when people share stories and information without exploring their veracity more deeply.

Often, we’re want to use shorthand for “evil” by using terms such as “Nazi” or the “Chinese Communist Party” without taking the trouble to verify whether National Socialist Germany or the People’s Republic of China were or are, in fact, guilty of all the crimes of which they are usually accused.

Co-creative learning is the most efficient and effective means to dispel myths and lies and to begin to unpick the paradoxes and complexities that permeate every event or issue.

While total control of the “human herd” is undoubtedly an ambition articulated as part of The Great Reset, Agenda 2030 etc., the bogeyman that is often cited as a warning to us all of what’s coming is China!

This following video provides insights into what is happening in China in reality as opposed to the scare stories. Various entities are using monitoring systems for a variety of purposes. However, there is no overarching national “social credit” system. It may be an ambition but no more so than in the West.

China’s “Social Credit Score System” – Fact or Fiction? (video 26 minutes 8 seconds)
Western government & the Western media have deliberately lied about China operating a central “social credit score” system driven by political and ideological criteria.
However the same Western sources admit upon further examination that this is a myth, that no such system exists, and the multitude of systems China does use are for tracking and punishing what would be considered serious offences anywhere.

It will come as no surprise to anyone familiar with our work on money and self-organisation to learn that we aren’t in favour of any form of centralised (even fragmented among disparate institutions) monitoring or control. Self-organisation requires a more nuanced and fluid evolution of social interaction and relationships.

However, data relating to transactions and relationships between people is potentially the means by which we can extend the concept of family globally. This requires further work and exploration but this post on complexity and self-organisation explains the context within which this work is continuing.