
The realisation that everything that we thought we could rely on is false has deep psychological and consequently physical consequences.

“Waking up” involves trauma because the foundations of our being are progressively destabilised until such time as we manage to align our world view with reality sufficiently to reform those foundations. Over time, we discover that we are not the person we thought we were.

We experience the “death” of our former selves and inevitably go though the stages of grief associated with bereavement.

Furthermore, such trauma is not necessarily a “one off” experience because as we pursue our journey of discovery though the layers of distraction and deception, we often find that something we researched, analysed and accepted as reliable is later overturned by subsequent work. In that sense we are never fully awake but always “awakening” or learning.

This traumatic aspect of our work is often overlooked even by those of us who’ve experienced it but I returned home last night to the following tweet which set me thinking.

I won’t bore readers with my own emotional journey other than to say it has been something of a roller-coaster ride and that in retrospect I feel lucky to have been able “shed” my old self, not least because I feel empowered by the understanding of the world I have acquired. That said, I can identify with the sentiment expressed in the tweet above.

The most important support I’ve enjoyed through this process beyond my close family is the co-creative learning community that evolved from Critical Thinking. Through the co-creative learning process I’ve been encouraged and energised by those with whom I’ve shared this journey of discovery – these people too are “my family”.

Yesterday, some of that expanding family came together for the day to make a poster for Eddie to deliver to the Royal Free Hospital in London last night. Eddie has been hospitalised for two weeks so far.

Eddie is key to so many people’s activities and lives. We need him back but we also recognise the strain he’s been under since the “coronavirus” madness kicked off in the UK in March 2020. Although to be hospitalised is the last thing Eddie wanted, his rest and recuperation are long overdue.

And there’s the dilemma. Eddie is being looked after within a “hostile” environment (the NHS “covid” regime) but attended by warm, caring doctors and nurses who are doing everything in their power to make Eddie better.

That’s why it is important to differentiate between the structure, which is psychopathic, and the humans enmeshed within it.

The biggest lesson I’ve learned to accept and embrace is that I’m a fallible, flawed human being, as are we all. The structure demands that we project an image of infallibility which is why politicians, advisers and other “talking heads” make such arses of themselves. They parrot contradictions often looking like rabbits caught in the headlights of an oncoming juggernaut.

TIME TO WAKE UP (video 33 minutes 53 seconds)

A few have no apparent difficulty in constantly lying but most are just “going with the flow” (i.e. conforming to the incentives and penalties of the structure) to repress the cognitive dissonance involved.

Why? Because the prospect of the trauma involved in facing up to reality is more than they think they can cope with.

Those who’ve progressed far enough on the journey of discovery know that there is little to fear and that everything we need to restructure the world as it should be is here now and all around us. We just need the courage and motivation to look beyond the dark tunnel of the current reality to what is possible, and perhaps even inevitable, beyond the trauma.

Humans are evolving and that is a reason for joy rather than sadness.