Recently received, in response to our latest paper, COVID 19: Plunder and Population Reduction, was the following in an email from Michael I Finesilver, author of The Threshold Perspective (2018).
Here’s a work that you may find complements the above by way of its all-inclusive overview and psychological insight.
This work is free from any commercial, religious or political involvement. It’s not pro- or anti- anyone or any existing organisation. It’s simply an attempt to share some vital knowledge with all humankind, and let it be known that this knowledge is now in the world.
It’s not a theory. It heralds significant developments now occurring in the cosmos and therefore affecting all Earthly life – describing in straightforward language and a few simple diagrams a consistent, dynamic pattern of coherence throughout the cosmos.
It explains the current turbulent changes going on worldwide in the context of an ongoing shift from an era in which the universal masculine principle has been dominant to one in which the universal feminine principle is becoming increasingly influential – each individual, of whatever gender denomination, being a unique combination of the two polar opposite principles.

While not flawless, given the breadth and scope of Michael’s work, his book is truly impressive. Since the publication of Critical Thinking’s final analysis of political economy, I’ve been exploring our spiritual dimension and trying to reconcile this (to understand its relevance and application) to our lived reality. Michael’s book is a huge leap forward because he expresses the current transition from cosmic and psychological perspectives; in this sense The Threshold Perspective helps solidify many of the ideas that have been coalescing within our shared understanding.
His premise that our being (microcosm) and the universe (macrocosm) are founded in consciousness, polarity and resonance is congruent with Hermetic teachings. Michael explains how there is a cosmic transition underway which is reflected in our spiritual and physical reality and many of the symptoms we see around us have their roots in the dying of the old (contracting) paradigm and the emergence of a new (expanding) one.
I will not try to explain the book because it speaks for itself and although I’ve read it once, there is a wealth of information and ideas to be absorbed over time. If you are looking for perspectives that contextualise our physical reality in cosmic and spiritual terms, The Threshold Perspective is an essential reference.
However, having alluded to flaws, it is only right that I suggest a caveat. This is a monumental work, presumably conducted by Michael himself and it covers a lot of ground. As we’ve learned, the most powerful means to understand the world and the universe is to co-create our research and analysis. In the absence of such methodology, ideas and beliefs can go unchallenged by those with a different understanding.
Thus, there are “gaps” or misconceptions in the book in relation to specific issues or events but they in no way detract from the value of the book. We’ve seldom encountered unflawed narratives. I won’t go into detail but for example, Michael refers to symptoms of the transition such as global warming and terrorism but we know that both the man-made global warming myth and terrorism are products of the political economy. Much like the COVID trojan, they are not what they seem but are means to frighten the gullible into compliance with the collapsing paradigm. In that sense, they are nonetheless indicators of Michael’s thesis and reinforce the notion that we are transitioning to something much better.
When we understand consciousness, polarity and resonance, it becomes clear how close we are to a real paradigm shift and how desperate those in “authority” are to resist it. We are now living on the verge of the next wave of chaos about to be unleashed. The US election and Operation Warp Speed are just two incendiary focal points; there are many more.
In this interview, investigative journalist Whitney Webb, who does both independent work and collaborations with The Last American Vagabond, discusses the little-known details of Operation Warp Speed, a joint operation between U.S. Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Department of Defense to produce a fast-tracked COVID-19 vaccine and other therapeutics.• Many of the same surveillance initiatives proposed after 9/11 have been resurrected, with updated technology, under the guise of combating COVID-19
• Operation Warp Speed, the White House Administration’s effort to produce a fast-tracked COVID-19 vaccine and other therapeutics, is almost entirely funded and operated by the CIA and the U.S. military
• Operation Warp Speed is supporting the creation of several COVID-19 vaccines, all of which will be deployed, but to different “critical populations”
• Operation Warp Speed is shrouded in secrecy that makes it difficult to ascertain the true agenda, but part of the plan is to monitor vaccine recipients for 24 months after the first dose using biosensors that record and share biological data
• Like 9/11, the COVID-19 pandemic is being used as justification for the implementation of more tyrannical controls. It appears they’re laying down the infrastructure for a totalitarian control system set to be fully deployed later
Whitney makes an essential point: “they need our consent“. These plans will come to nothing if people refuse to comply. “They” are not as powerful as many imagine and their power can be eliminated merely by human thought. When we cease to believe in their power, it will no longer exist.