Co-creative learning amplifies our understanding, sometimes when we are shown information from friends and family who may not share our world view. This article is prompted by Jason recently sharing a couple of videos.
The first deals with the infinite. Not in mathematical terms although, as far as we are concerned, the possibilities are so great that in practical terms they are limitless in the human experience.
Also available on BitChute and Odysee.
The video is referring to the practically infinite possibilities of 52 variables. World population is estimated at around 8 billion souls, each of whom faces numerous choices each day. Even something as simple as choosing to have a cup of tea generates activity: turning on the kettle has implications for the power grid and making tea affects the supply chain for tea, water, milk and sugar (if we indulge in the last two). If we order a cup of tea or coffee in a shop, there are many more consequences of our decision to have a hot drink that cumulatively have implications for us all.
Very quickly we begin to appreciate the enormous complexity faced by one individual let alone large organisations (governments, companies, public bodies, NGOs etc.).
In order to deal with this complexity, we ignore most of it by abstracting only those bits of information that we can or feel inclined to deal with. As a result, our capacities and choices reflect our very limited perception of the consequences of what we do.
Abstraction is why we have such a limited understanding and it starts at school in early years and gets worse as we progress up the academic ladder.
Institutional hierarchy is attempting the impossible, to manage real infinity rather than just practical infinity.
Institutions reflect the cumulative, limited perceptions of many individuals. However, it is the perceptions of those in “authority” and influence, the so called “experts” and the “great and the good”, who dictate the “consensus” and policies irrespective of their validity and that those without power may know better because they are closer to the lived reality of most people.
CoCreative Learning grew, in part, from the work of Frederic Laloux. whose case studies demonstrate the superiority of self-organisation over institutional hierarchy when it comes to complex tasks and issues.
Similarly the internet and all the resultant technologies are a product of self-organisation even though many have been appropriated by corporations.
This second video is a living demonstration of how we are limited by our current method of global organisation.
I’ve written before about the “entity” intelligence of funghi and mycellium referring to Merlin Sheldrake on video talking about his book, Entangled Life, given to me by a family member sceptical of “conspiracies”.
Merlin’s father, Rupert Sheldrake, coined the term morphic resonance applied to the phenomenon of geographically separated species adopting similar traits and behaviour simultaneously.
It becomes ever clearer that we must abandon institutional hierarchy in all its forms, if we are to thrive rather than continue along the current trajectory towards collective suicide.
The major impediment to abandoning institutional hierarchy, apart from ideology and inculcated belief in institutions, is simple exchange money.
Current money dictates the rules and assumptions of the game of life. The current game is competition.
We can co-create a new (but in reality a very old) global “game”. The emerging game has different rules and assumptions.
Universal Consciousness
The overriding assumption of the new game is that universal law rules. This becomes increasingly obvious as we make progress on our journey of discovery.